Early Demo of the Greek Deck

The Greek Deck

The Greek deck is focused around building offensive momentum by building up your bench, and switching out/activating effects of your cards to gain advantage every turn. Also, it has only a few Permadeath cards, making most of the effects fairly recyclable.

Aristotle Card

[+] Permadeath

When Activated: If you have a Greek card on your bench, you can send one card from your bench to the deck to send your opponent’s active and overlayed cards to Limbo.

In Dialog: This card gains 1+ Attack for every Greek card on your bench.

Aristotle is a powerful card who, at the cost of removing one of your benched cards, can clear the field so he can attack directly. This can lead to 10 damage to your opponent if you have enough cards on your bench with a good overlay. He’s also very useful for clearing difficult opponents off the field, but unlike Freud, he doesn’t disable the effects when sent to Limbo, so some effects from your opponent may still trigger.

Plato card

When Activated: If your opponent activates an effect once next turn, it is negated.

In Dialog: This card gains 1+ Attack for every Greek card on your bench.

Plato’s effect is simple - the first card effect used by your opponent next turn is negated. This is useful if your opponent plans to use a card like Lacan to try to clear your field, and can be very disruptive to the Marx deck. However, Plato must stay the active card in order for this effect to stay in play.

Socrates Card

When Activated: If you have a Greek card on your bench, send one card from the bench to your hand. Your opponent discards randomly 1 card from their hand to Limbo. The card’s effect is negated.

In Dialog: This card gains 1+ Attack for every Greek card on your bench.

Socrates has the ability to randomly snipe cards from your opponent’s hand at the cost of one of your benched cards. Because this card gets added to Limbo, it will be very difficult for your opponent to access that card next turn. If you manage to snipe a Permadeath card, this can really disrupt your opponent’s strategy.

Archimedes Card

When overlayed: If sent to Limbo, if you have a Greek card on your bench, add one Spirit type Greek philosopher, except “Archimedes”, from your deck to your hand.

Archimedes is the primary search option for the deck. He functions similar to Guattari, but he requires a Greek card on the bench instead of being equipped to a card of that type. Make sure you have a Greek card on your bench before trying to use his effect!

Pythagoras Card

Start of turn: You can send your active and overlayed cards to Limbo to select one Spirit type Greek card, except “Pythagoras”, from your deck as the active card.

In dialog: This card gains 1+ Attack for every Greek card on your bench.

Pythagoras has high defenses that let him wall many opponents. If he survives to the next turn, he can replace himself with any card in your deck and allow you to activate their effect. He can be combined with Archimedes to get another card in your hand, as well.

Diogenes Card

[+] Solo

[+] Unfriendly

[+] Aggressive

[+] Lockdown

When played: Send all cards on the field to the deck. Effects are not activated at this time.

During dialog: After damage, send this card to the deck.

Diogenes is a useful card but has a very unusual disruptive effect. He removes every card on the field when he’s activated, and none of the effects are activated at this time, so you don’t have to worry about any floating effects, like Engels, Guattari or Archimedes. This allows you to make a direct attack for 5 damage. After he attacks though, he leaves you completely open, so you should only use Diogenes as a way to snipe the last 5 points of health your opponent might have.

Release Announcement

I’m planning on cleaning up a few minor issues today and tomorrow and plan for a new release by the end of Sunday, with all three decks with effects!

Note to blind players: This update will probably have accessibility issues due to the major code changes. Please play version 44 until I address them. The update after this one will be dedicated to cleaning up UI issues such as blind accessibility so it shouldn’t be too long.


If you want to interact with me directly and suggest new cards, I have a discord server that is dedicated to updates and discussion.

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